Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Okay Christmas Eve morining I was at my dads until like 5 then I went to my Grandmas house cause my mom didn't want to stay at the house (If you know me then you know why) so me and my sister Megan had to sleep on the couch I was tierd so I fell asleep at like ten. And kept waking up to my sister talking in her sleep weird huh. So when I woke up Megan said I slept walked again. She said when she woke up (in the night) she saw me standing by the tv and she asked me what I was doing and apparently I said I was reorginazing the magazines? WTF???? that is weird okay so when I woke up on Christmas I opend presnts from my madre I GOT A NEW CELL PHONE JUST LIKE AMANDA FLINGLE'S EXCEPT BLACK!!!!!!! Then I went to my grandmas house i get to go see phantom of the opera with my dad just me and my dad ( that never happens) And a bunch of other stuff! No pictures:( then went back to my grandmas opend present from my grandma and grandpa and my cousin and my other grandparents! UGGGH CONFUSING then went backto my other grandparents to drop off megan i was soo tirerd i went to bed at nine (that never happens either) Got to go rooms a mess and mom is FURIOUS!!!

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