Thursday, December 13, 2007

drama back pain

Okay so today in drma we had to be in groups with at least 1 boy. So we got stuck with Sam Paycheck. So its me, maggie this cool girl named dainelle. and Sam. So me and danielle were like I want our skit to be on a slumber party. And maggie and Sam were like no it shall be super heroes. So me and Danielle were pissed but we went along with it. So we get up to do our skit and I have to fall off a couch ( I do NOT WANT SAM PAYCHECK STICKING HIS HAND UNDER MY LEGS ) so I fell off the couch and he drags me like almost off stage. Then maggie and Danielle come and Maggie and Danielle took my arms and he grabed my ancels and they puulled I felst like I was about to be ripped in half. Then Maggie and Danielle try to put me on the couch and they drop me so my back hurt for about 2 periods!!!!!! Thanks maggie


Lisa said...

Your so welcome but you left out the part where sam likes me!!! AHHHHHHH CREPY!!!!!

Kristi said...

OMG HE SOOO DOES. remeber today he wa all you never look differnt but maggie doesnt look differnt