Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Okay so when I got home from PLC day on tuesday I chuged down some soup then went to le shopping center with Amanda Flingle Mo!!!!!!! ( She changed her name ) we got starbucks and we were wondering and I am like sit and so we are talking and she farts and Iam like OMG and start laughing so hard my stummy hurt and ppl were staring at us weird. And then we were talking about an email and that made me laugh so hard that my stummy hurt again. Okay wait now I shall talk about before this happend. I finally got to the top of the frekin large hill and wait at the frekin gate for like 15 minutes!!!! Then so I get out ( finally ) and call AFM ( amanda flingle mo ) and my scooter like swerves and i almost fall then i git an acorn and almost fall on my face then I miss my light at this point I am beyond P.O. ed and finally get there. Okay so after afm gives me a stummy ache we go back to my pad I have be and jerrys. And then I go to the glory of Christmas! Dude the angels like fly back at 20 mph!!!! I wanted to be on that harness soooooooo bad! and then I got home and didn't do any science homework so I got a 3/20 on my homework assignment and she made me stay in at lunch to do 40 frekin element cards! GGGRRRRR!!! okay bye!


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