Sunday, March 16, 2008


OMG!!!!!!!!!! i am goign crazy that they are over I am partying and sneezing as i type this right now no joke ahhhhh now my nose is hurting its like having a spazum!! Okay back to finals they suck. Exccept drama finals tey are pretty dang sweet right there. But everything else sucks. Me and my friend Emily are going (try) to get a 95% in my history class cause then we wouldnt have to take a history final AND YOU WILL BE JELOUS!!!!!!! sorry by-polar moment right there. UHHHHHH dont know what I got on all of them yet but I knew I got a 77% on my english final which would have been an A accept them dang roots uggggghhhhh just the thought of root makes we ant to go bilemic!!!! EWWWW!!! okay but Iam going to check what I got so hold up 1 sec..................... okay I am back I got a 78% in math and don't know what I got in everything else but I am gunna go 2 algreaba!!!! WHAT NOW KENDRA!! and Amanda I am not dumb so go screw a COW!!!!!!!!!!!! okay I am hungry so ya!!! BYE BYE misfits of the world!!!!!!!


Amanda :) said...

screwing cows is ur job duh...

Kristi said...

nooooo its savanahs job DUH!!!!