Friday, July 4, 2008

4th O July

Spent it mostly with Panda... we say the Coto Parade at like 10 and then we saw connor at starbucks and I saw him and was all ahhhh ahhh ahhh and mandas all wat and i point and were bothe like ahhh ahhh ahhh!! mwhahaha then he was holding a flag...during the parade we got soaked and i was flirting with this guy in a big tower we were mouth talking 2 each other I was all hi. and he was all hi and i was like hit me and he was like no and i said please and he pointed 2 the kids going nuts accros from us....and i was all o. Okay bye and he was all bye...ahahahahah funny ness....then we went swimming and hotties were there and we were all AHHHHHHHHHH and then they left and new set of 9.8s came in and i ws ahh and mandas all ehhhh then we went 2 my grandmas and played scattagories where i learned my brother wants 2 be a boob doctor... o jeez and ya panda left then fireworks they were like 15 min. and manda was attcked by june bugs bwahhahaha then i saw autumna and was like OOOOOO ......and now i am here...... wow thats my day adios peps!!!

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